One of the most common questions, we get is what style do we teach?
When we meet someone for the first time a common question we get is what style do you teach? Our response is usually “have you every trained before?” Reason being, we want to answer the question as thoroughly and accurately as possible.
If you’ve trained before:
Our style of martial arts is a stand up focused style of MMA. We blend Muai Thai, BJJ, Kenpo, American Boxing/Kickboxing, XMA and Krav Maga.
If you have never trained before:
Our program is a striking style that blends punches, kicks, elbow and knees. We also teach some fundamental take downs, takedown self defense, and beginner level BJJ. We dont teach adults the same curriculum as the 5 year old’s! Everyone learns the same core skills however, so a parent will still be able to relate to and help a son/daughter in the junior or ninja program.
Our Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Program is Customized each Age Group:
Ninjas (Ages 5-7)-
Is an explorer style program, learning one of the many arts we teach each unit. Students learn a little about the style, where it came from as well as some core skills it teaches. Ninjas students progress is based on the improvement we see of life skills like, balance, co-ordination, focus, listening and more.
Ninja Students earn stripes and belts for personal improvements more so than reciting specific forms or skills to a certain standard. At the age and stage of development for ninjas, science has shown that there are certain areas of the brain, especially the fine motor skills which literally may not have developed yet. Our program is designed to help young kids of all ages achieve their highest potential. If you are ready to give our Ninja Program a try schedule your trial here!
Juniors (8-Teen)-
Our junior level focuses on the performance aspects of the martial arts, along with self defense skills that focus on bully prevention and defense (against kids).
We DO NOT teach, kids skills designed specifically to fight adults. As we explain to the kids, even though Master L has been doing martial arts his whole life and can defend himself quite well, he would be no match for an 800lb Gorilla. A 50lb child is no match for a 200+lb adult.
We DO teach the juniors stranger safety and awareness strategies that have been proven most effective at helping keep kids safe. Kids in our junior program learn confidence building cores skills, dynamic application, self-esteem building performance skills as well as weapons skills on their journey to Black Belt!
Juniors students earn belts and stripes for reciting specific forms and skills to grade standard as well as continuous improvements in areas like listening, discipline, and control. Ready to give our Junior Program a try? Start your trial by clicking here!
Learn sport MMA which parallels the skills what you may see in the UFC, Glory Kickboxing or similar, but for sport/recreation/leisure purposes. Adults in our program get into shape, learn great skills, and have fun in the process. Competition MMA is all about preparing for the next fight. Our program focuses on a long term mindset; to provide a martial arts experience that adults can enjoy for years to come.
We want our adults to lose weight, relieve stress, learn great skills, and most of all enjoy the process! Every class starts with safety, we hope you never have to go to work with an injury from class. We are very proud of the fact that most student in our program train for years, both men and women! Give our Adult Program a try, we bet you’ll love it. Schedule your trial here!
What style of martial art is right for you?
Honestly, that is a personal preference, there are so many styles out there. What’s most important is do you enjoy the classes, do you enjoy the instructors and your classmates? Is it a good fit for your body and mind? Our program is a mix of different styles, so it is easily adapted to many different ages and abilities. Students tend to develop great relationships with their classmates, that keeps them coming to classes for years! Give us a try and you just may find New Era is a great fit for you!